Guidance & Counseling

Mission Statement

The Guidance and Counseling Department in Harlingen CISD is an integral part of the total educational program. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive, developmental guidance and counseling program which is vital in the achievement of excellence. All students will be provided the opportunity to develop the academic, social, personal, college and career competencies needed to prepare them for post-secondary options, which includes work, military, higher education, and preparation as productive citizens and lifelong learners.

El departamento de consejería y orientación del distrito escolar de Harlingen es una parte integral del programa educativo en su totalidad. Nuestra misión es proveer un programa de consejería y orientación comprensivo el cual es vital en el logro de la excelencia. Todos los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de desarrollar competencias de desarrollo académico, social, personal, así como competencias universitarias y de carreras profesionales necesarias para prepararlos para opciones post-secundarias, incluyendo preparación para el trabajo, el ejército, la educación superior y la preparación como ciudadanos productivos y aprendices de por vida.

Student Wellness

Student Wellness Program Vision
HCISD will foster resilient, resourceful students by instilling coping and academic skills in a supportive learning environment.

Student Wellness Goals
Priority 1:  We will address student needs by integrating character education into school-wide practices while also supporting students to engage with academic learning.   

Priority 2:  All staff will be trained to lead character education initiatives.

Priority 3:  We will demonstrate care for students, families and staff members by prioritizing outreach and transparency to check in and hear their experiences and perspectives and will apply this learning to continuously improve our support systems.


HCISD Guidance and Counseling Wellness Presentations

How to Effectively Communicate With Your Child
Ms. Beatrice Cruz, M.Ed., provided families with strategies to develop communication skills between parents and children. Families discovered their common strengths, values, and behaviors and receive resources that they can use at home to continue building a pathway to effective communication.

More Videos

Hope and Help--Interventions for Mental Illness in Teenagers

Self-Love Through Mindfulness